WOLFBRIGADE "Run With The Hunted" CD

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WOLFBRIGADE "Run With The Hunted" CD

Another Swedish D-beat steamroller!

CD in jewelcase packaging.

Since their formation in 1995, then under the moniker Wolfpack, WOLFBRIGADE have become one of the most enduring - and influential - forces in the worldwide hardcore-punk scene. Particularly at the turn of the millennium, when the revamped moniker was invoked, WOLFBRIGADE have etched a unique sound that draws in the locomotive surge of D-beat with the crushing intensity of death metal; some would call it "crust," but the band evade easy categorization with every record they release. And seven albums in and more than two decades touring worldwide under the WOLFBRIGADE banner, the "Lycanthro Punks" show no signs of slowing down.

WOLFBRIGADE’s Run With The Hunted surges with ten brutalizing new tracks which elevate both the harsh intensity and the melodic attributes of the band’s patented, penetrating, d-beat-ridden hardcore crust punk to new extremes of infectious viciousness. A concentrated sense of urgency lines the entire record, while a fragmented sense of dystopia fuels the scathing vocal wrath. Run With The Hunted was recorded in both Studio Fredman in Gothenburg (At the Gates, In Flames, Martyrdöd), by Fredrik Nordström and Henrik Udd, and in Sunlight Studio (Dismember, Entombed, Grave) in Stockholm, by Tomas Skogsberg.

Declares WOLFBRIGADE of the new album, “We looked to explore our rawness, writing straight-up, in-your-face, primitive songs. On this record, we decided to push the melodic strains even further, but without losing either intensity or brutality. Lyrically we have been inspired by both classic and obscure dystopian literature, finding suitably horrible metaphors for the decline of western society. The search for freedom continues, but this time the path is pointed inwards, into ourselves.”